Friday, November 6, 2009

Thankful on a Friday

I wanted so much to do a Thursday Thankfulness, and I spent all day thinking of all the many things I am so thankful for. Thursday sped by and I did not get my blog written. However, I had a wonderful thankful day thinking of the many wonderful aspects of my life. I am so thankful and so blessed with my family. My children and my husband fill my heart with happiness. Laughter, tears, chaos, noise, all emotions from all extremes fill my house, but I am so thankful for each and every one. I can't imagine my life being any different, and God has truly blessed me. An update on Violet, here is her new skill. The stairs are like a magnet to her. I put her down and she will change her direction to head for the stairs. Yesterday on my thankful Thursday she bumped down the stairs not once, but two times. And yes, I was thankful she did not get hurt too bad.

Oh, she is so proud, look at her laughing!!

Oh look, here is a new discovery. What fun it is to unroll the toilet paper, what a mess she can create. She has even started emptying the bookshelf with our many books--didn't take a picture of that one, it was way to messy to forever remember.
We have been listening to children's worship music and yesterday while I was focusing my thoughts towards thankfulness, this song started playing and I thought how appropriate. Remember this song? Give thanks with a grateful heart. Give thanks to the Holy One, Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ His Son....And now let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich, because of what the Lord has done for us......Give thanks.


  1. Myrle & I just enjoyed all of your entries. We are so blessed to have added your family to our special friends!

  2. Hi Karen! WOW! Love the photos and stories you have shared here. Thanks for passing the link onto me. I was so encouraged by your attitude of thankfulness that I am considering adopting that same focus for the Thursdays of this month. Christina

  3. I loved your first paragraph. The chaos and the blessing, all mixed together - so true.
