Monday, August 31, 2009

A Wonderful Weekend

It was so nice to have the kids home again, all together. I think they all enjoyed playing together. Here Rachel is playing baby with Violet. Violet has mastered sitting, now onto crawling! And to explain Rachel's outfit, she really wants to dress herself and chose her own clothing. So she can, until we need to go out in public, than we have some negotiating to do. I caught a really funny expression on Violet's face here. She's so funny, always smiling.

On Saturday, we went to a local park where they have a little train that we rode on. The kids loved it!!

Now starting a new week, we will see what kind of adventures this week will bring.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Coffee Anyone?

Oh Rachel is so funny! Coffee is a staple here at our house. This morning I am really dragging, so maybe I need another cup! Yesterday while getting my noon cup of coffee, Rachel asked for a cup. So like I have done with my other children, I fixed her a cup of coffee. A little coffee, mostly milk, and a dab of sugar. The older two children did not like it and it satisfied their curiosity of what mom and dad are always drinking. Rachel on the other hand absolutely loved it and drank it down. I was a little mortified, thinking "oh dear, there goes her afternoon nap". Anyway, some time passed, and I was stranded on the couch feeding Violet when Rachel started messing around in the kitchen. I listened, trying to figure out what she was doing. When I was available, I went into the kitchen and here Rachel had gotten herself a coffee mug, poured herself some cold coffee from the pot, and then put flour into the coffee. How did I figure this out? The remains were in my kitchen sink. I had to scoop out the unsuccessful cup of coffee, I was afraid if it got down into the drain it might clog my drain! So we had a little talk about how coffee is good, but maybe we should wait until she was a little older to really start drinking it.
Yesterday, nothing was accomplished around here. I was swimming trying to keep my head above water. Oh lets review what my nights are like: An infant who loves to be held and nurse constantly (possibly using me as a pacifier). A 2 yr old who loves to crawl in my bed and at times follow me around as I prowl the hallways. One child who frequently needs a bed linen change, and now a child who in the middle of the night is afraid our smoke detectors aren't working, and wondering if the stove is turned off? (can you imagine?) Needless to say I believe it's another day of "not sweating the small stuff" and just taking care of the essentials.
Time is up, its getting hard holding the baby, soothing a screaming 2 yr old, because mommy will be right there!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So, what about Violet

In all this talk about Ashley starting kindergarten, Jacob starting second grade and Rachel adjusting to the kids being in school, what about Violet? Violet is such a good little baby. She rarely cries, only when hungry or ready to take a power nap. Here we are playing baby. Violet is my baby and Rachel has her baby. Violet doesn't seem to mind and always smiles!

Violet enjoys sitting up so she especially enjoys her walker.

To have some down time, I lay her on her mat. The problem is she doesn't stay there. She rolls all around and I have to re-situate her after awhile, because she travels such a distance.

Yes, she does wear out and needs an occasional power nap. Why do I keep refering to a power nap? Because this little one, whom I love very much, only sleeps maybe an hour at a time. So, in that time, I fly around the house trying to catch up on some things, plus do something special with Rachel.

Now that we're awake and fed, Violet loves the johnny jumper. Here is constant movement. I am surprised the picture is not blurry!

We have so much fun. I love my kids! Even the crazy times when things seem stressful, I just am so thankful for all that I have and that God has given me these special blessings.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The first day of school

Where do I start? In thinking back over yesterday I remember so many different emotions. Sadness that Ashley was in school, happiness for her because I know she will love school and will love making friends and everyone will love her. She is such an enjoyable, lovable person. She will be a wonderful helper in the classroom, so I knew she was having fun. When I picked up the kids from school, the first words were from Rachel. She said, "I missed you Ashley" Little Rachel had a rough morning, crying constantly. I was excited to spend some one on one time with her while Violet slept, but she cried and cried and I could not distract her nor cheer her up. Finally she said she missed Ashley and then I understood. So, Rachel also is adjusting to this new schedule. In hindsight, I should have spent time with her explaining all the new changes. I was so focused on talking with Ashley about the new experiences she would encounter, that dear little Rachel also needed some talk regarding what was happening. Back to when the kids got into the car, the chaos began. Each wanted to talk at the same time about their day. I wanted to hear both so they had to take turns. Then I heard how one got a longer time talking then the other. I do try, you know to listen to both. I also had to work that evening, so I also was trying to glean every experience from both of them. Jacob had a wonderful day. I enjoyed hearing about his teacher and the kids in the class and who he misses from last year. He is growing up so fast. He was so excited about school, but said his day was "okay" Ashley had a wonderful day as well. She said her day went by really fast. She made a new friend, this girl was beside her and Ashley said, "will you be my friend?" and the girl said "yes", so there we go, a new friend. When I asked her what this girl's name was , Ashley couldn't remember. Maybe she'll learn that tomorrow. (that's pretty much how that conversation went) Her highlights were, she got to walk around the hallways in a line, went to the library and learned library rules, her seat is in front of the teachers desk, her mat to take quiet time is right in front of the teachers desk. She loves her teacher and her teacher likes to take pictures with her camera and Ashley got her picture taken. She got to make a puppet, and her special day to talk about herself is tomorrow, Wednesday. So we put some special items in a bag which included: a picture of her siblings, a little girl doll (Ashley likes to play with her dolls), her ballet shoes (Ashley loves ballet) and she was going to include a my little pony, but then changed her mind and said that was enough. The afternoon was a whirlwind. I had a relatively quiet afternoon with Rachel napping and Violet awake, so the noise was a welcome change. This morning getting ready for school still went well. Both kids were looking forward to going. I am wondering when the newness will wear off. For now, I am enjoying the kids enthusiasm and I can't wait for them to come home.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First Day of School

The alarm clock rang this morning reminding me that school is starting and a schedule must be followed. I was actually awake already feeding the baby. I just can't believe this day has come so fast. Ashley has been excited and brave through all the preparation, so I haven't been worried about her adjustment at all. After breakfast, we had picture time, loaded up the car and off we go. At the school, Jacob looked at me and said, "I'm not ready to go back to school" but he got out of the car to wait on Ashley. For the first time, Ashley sat in her seat and said, "I am so scared" We talked a little bit and then she was able to get out of the car. Jacob walked her into the school. I have felt confident about Ashley going to school, comfortable with her teacher, the school, and all the preparations, but at that moment I could have cried my heart out. It was comforting to see Jacob and Ashley walking in to school together. After coming home, Rachel started her crying routine, but this time she was howling for Ashley. She is going to have a big adjustment I am afraid. After taking care of the baby. I got her distracted by working in the kitchen with me. She is a wonderful helper and I am going to enjoy spending time with her.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sitting for a short time

A new stage is beginning and it is hard to see it start. Violet does not like to lay down, she strains to raise herself up. When sitting on my lap she is leaning forward watching the other children play. Constantly moving her arms and legs she becomes very excited with the other children. She has just started to sit by herself for short periods of time. She falls over because she gets excited and her jerky movements cause her to lose her balance. It is so much fun to see the other children interact with her and see her reaction to them. I use her little play mat on the floor a lot, and now Violet is rolling all around. Where I put her, she does not stay. Yesterday Violet was on the mat and Rachel and I left the room, when I returned after just a little bit, Violet was face down and not moving. Violet not moving is a very rare event, and being face down scares me a lot! I raced over to her and she was just resting; hearing my voice, she started squealing and moving again. I guess I caught her taking a break, but it caused my heart to race and prayers were soaring upward. How thankful I am for my healthy children and how fortunate and blessed I am having these children. Watching them grow is an amazing event, watching their personalities develop and helping them to grow is an awesome experience. What a responsibility and a challenge.
Jacob and Ashley returned yesterday afternoon from a couple of days at their grandparents. Today they are tired and easily become impatient. Keeping them entertained and happy is posing to be a challenge.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A new experience

I am going to try this blog as a way to record my memories and to share these memories with family and friends. Hopefully this will provide a glimpse into my life with my four beautiful children. Chaos is present, along with some fun filled, hilarious experiences. We laugh a lot, cry some, and love lots. Have patience with me as I learn my computer and all it can do, as well as keep up with my daily responsibilities. I am anticipating this to be fun and an adventure and my children are looking forward to doing this with me.