No pictures today, I am sorry. I know it has been awhile, and I am not sure I have even taken any pictures recently. (isn't that awful!!!!) Since it has been so long, I thought I better give an update on everyone.
Jacob, baseball is keeping us very busy! Between practice and games it takes three evenings a week. This means keeping him focused on coming home from school, snack, homework, completing chores, eating supper and then going wherever. A big change from our normal routine!! Jacob earned his first game ball this evening. He is pretty proud and is well deserving of this accomplishment. I missed the game tonight, since I have sick girls at home. He loves baseball! He seems to really like sports at this stage in his life.
Ashley, ballet is wrapping up for her. Her performance is the next weekend. So, next week means rehearsal every evening! She is on stage for just a short time, so rehearsal time for her is short as well (thank goodness). Kindergarten is flying by. She is reading really well and does really well in school. I am just so proud of her! We are going on a field trip tomorrow and I am looking forward to spending some time with her. Tomorrow evening the younger classes from her school are putting on their spring performance.
Rachel, she is conversing so well for her age. We have some pretty deep conversations and I sometimes feel like I am talking with someone much older than her 3 little years. She is such a young lady, so considerate of others and such a wonderful help in the kitchen! She loves baking cookies ( we did today) and will "help" wash dishes, anything to work beside me. She is full of personality which is emerging more and more everyday.
Violet, oh my sweet "little one". She is fairly quiet, has yet to find her voice. Her new talents are, waving bye, bye, making the shhhh sign, dada, mama (constantly), sound like HI, and my favorite is the kiss. Friday, I got my first kiss from Violet. She leaned her head to my cheek, with open mouth and made the sound mmmmawww. The sound I make when I give her kisses. Oh so precious!!! her teeth are just ripping her gums! She has 4 new teeth breaking thru! I do believe it is making her miserable. She is no longer sleeping thru the night, and prefers to be held all night while yanking my hair out of my head! I am trying very hard to be patient. This will not last forever! (right????)
In regards to our health, we have dealt with ear infections, strep throat, stomach bugs, viruses causes fevers, flu, ear infections again, strep throat again, more viruses, etc..... it seems never ending. Violet is clear of her ear infections now. Rachel now is the second to start running a fever again. Ashley is coughing and complaining of a sore throat. (I am hoping/praying no strep throat) Rachel was checked today and was negative for her strep throat(thank God!) I guess with four children this is to be expected, but really? Must it last this long? I have tried bleaching and have changed toothbrushes so frequently, but lets get real! Anyway, I don't want to dwell on this too long. I just don't have time during the day to get to my computer. My kids when not feeling well, seem to need a lot of hands on attention. Which they are certainly getting! :)
Next time, more pictures............
September 2023 Cross Country
1 month ago